Thursday, April 28, 2011

Suicide Kit

A clear plastic bag over the victims head, and a plastic tube running from the bag to an orange metal helium tank which was next to a white box, decorated with a butterfly, the box the plastic bag and tube had arrived in the mail with a book inside titled Final Exit these materials were found in 29-year old Nick Klonoski’s room. His lifeless body was on the ground after receiving a silly suicide kit. The kit came from a company that calls itself the Gladd Group. It turns out it is not a group at all but 91-year old women named Sharlotte Hydorn making the suicide kits by hand.
   The family of Nick Kliniski believes she should go to jail for helping him attempt suicide. I believe she should go to jail because she has helped more than 1,600 people commit suicide. She believes you should not die slowly but die by the ones you love which is why she made the kits in the beginning. She should try helping other people live instead of helping them end their life when it is their time to die.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Borrowing on the Kindle.

    Any book lover knows about the unique new e-books, specifically the nook and the kindle. E-book stands for electronic book. It is a screen with no pages to flip. Imagine book lovers that do not have to go to the library to borrow a book. Imagine not worrying about late fees. I am excited to tell Kindle owners that Amazon is starting a library for kindles that allow you to borrow a book for 3 weeks before it disappears from your screen. The technology will be powered by OverDrive, which currently offers services for iPad and iPhone owners. Kindle has not released an exact start date, nor is it known if all cities will receive the service on the same day.
    On Kindles you can take notes and highlight words in the book. Now it will not be illegal to highlight or make notes in a library book because it is electronic. After the 3 week period if the reader checks out the book again, or decides to buy the book, the notes will still be there. Other readers will not be able to see the notes at all. The only thing kindle owners have to do is be a part of a library that cooperates with Amazon and read the book before 3 weeks is up.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Eggs for Dogs?

Last Saturday Tinley Park in Illinois had their fourth annual Easter Egg Hunt from 10:00am until 12:00pm. This Easter Egg Hunt was different though. This Easter egg hunt was for dogs only. The P.A.W.S Animal Shelter designed this special Easter Egg Hunt to raise money for the shelter. Each dog owner paid ten dollars per dog. Each egg was filled with a dog treat and the owners were suppose to just walk their dogs and wait until the dog got an egg.  After they were all done collecting the 3,000 Easter Eggs they could have their dogs take a picture with the Easter Bunny. This was a fun filled time for the folks from Illinois.