Homework is suppose to help you with your school work so that you can understand what you learned. Too much homework on the other hand is bad. If you are given too much homework you do not want to learn, you get frustrated, and it is hard to find time for other things. Teachers are suppose to allow only two hours of homework a day for high-schoolers. Some classes seem to think they are the only ones that assign homework and want to take both hours for their class. If a student goes beyond two hours of homework then their brain starts to shut down and they are not focused on the work which hinders the whole reason for homework. Many classes homework will last longer than two hours. If it hinders you to do more than two hours of homework then why do teachers want you to finish it in more than two hours.
With the odd and even day schedule teachers are use to allowing four hours for homework instead of just two. They still need to allow time for other classes homework. It is harder for first period classes to maintain two hour homework when their other classes are given four hours. I experienced two hours of homework in only my first period class everyday for the first week of school. It was hard to keep up and now on the third week of school it is even harder to keep up.
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